Monday, March 29, 2010

Her first mani & pedi

Addison my girly girl loves to get her nails painted. Normally her nails are painted by her Mimi or Aunt Taylor but this time I decided to take her with me to the nail salon. She was so excited on the way there asking if my favorite color was pink like her favorite pink. When we got there I let her choose a pink shade and off to the chairs we went. She sat so still while she was getting her nails painted and made her shy face with her tongue barely sticking out the whole time. After her nails were dry she was so proud showing all of the ladies in the nail salon her fingers and toes. As we were leaving I asked Addison if she had fun, “Yes Mommy but how come I did not get to put my feet in the water?” Lord, I have may created a monster with the nail place!

and boy it's hard work getting your nails painted.

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