Sunday, May 16, 2010

Skippyjon Jones

Addison has always had a love of reading. Every night we read several books before going to sleep. One of Addison’s favorite series of books is Skippyjon Jones. These are wildly wonderful books about a hyperactive kitten, Skippyjon Jones, whose head and ears are too big for his body, and whose imagination is too intense for his mama. According to her, he needs to do some serious thinking about what it means to be a Siamese cat. Addison has enjoyed this series since she was little, first having Skippyjon Jones board books with shapes, colors and numbers. Now she is in love with the original series. We read a SJ books almost every night with the many other books we read and lately we have been listening Skippyjon Jones on tape. I decided to bring home my collection of books on tape (I know, I'm old) for Addison to enjoy all summer long. She absolutely enjoys listening to the silly voices and Spanish accent of Skippyjon when he goes on his adventures. Some of her favorite phrases from the books are, “Holy Guacamole!” “Holy Jalapeño!” and “pickle pants” which she now says all the time. Addison is also enjoying the Skippyjon Jones website which has lots of games, downloads and shorts.

Adios, Dudes!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that I have ever seen this book! I will have to find one for Emma...thanks for sharing :)
