Friday, October 1, 2010

Her Love for Books!

I will be the first to admit that I am not an avid reader. I would much rather catch a movie or listen to some good music that read a book for fun. Don't get me wrong I do read...mainly the news and other articles that interest me but not books usually. I do wish I enjoyed reading more, which is why Addison and I read for about 30 minutes every night before bed. I started reading to her from the moment we got her. I have fostered and nurtured her love of reading in hopes she would not follow in my reading footsteps and I am pretty sure I have accomplished that.

Addison LOVES to read and look at books. It is truly one of her favorite past times. Lately when we read at night we take turns reading to each other! That's right her reading to me! Now Addison cannot technically read but she is starting the first stages of early literacy. Addison reads her books to me using picture clues and from memory. If it is one of the books that we have read a thousand times before she will retell the story but in her own words and memories. If the book is new and we have never read it before, Addison will look at the pictures and tell me a story with vivid details. As a mom and a teacher I love that girl's brain!

This week Addison received her first Scholastic book order from Mommy's school. If you have never participated in book clubs through your child's school you should. They have such a wide selection of books and they are relatively cheap. Most catalogs have at least 20 books that are under $3.00 and for my little girl who loves books that is great for me!

Back to her order...Two weeks ago I brought home the catalog and let Addison choose some books to order. She was so excited about picking them out all by herself and could not wait for them to arrive. When the day finally came and her books did arrive it was almost like Christmas morning. She was beaming from ear to ear and was ready to read all of her new books right then. I must say I am so proud of my little reader and I pray that her loves of books and reading continues through out her life.

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all."

— Jacqueline Kennedy

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