Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Not so Wordless Wednesday: Water Damage

It's pure chaos at the Oliver household. Sunday night we discovered that the ac unit in the attic was leaking into the girls’ bathroom and Jason’s office. Then to top it off our old dishwasher that was replaced at the end of April had been leaking in the kitchen as well. When all is said and done the girls’ bathroom will get new sheetrock , ceiling and tile. Jason’s entire office will get new sheetrock, ceiling, carpet and possibly office furniture and last but not least…the kitchen will get new cabinets and countertops. It has only been two days and we already insane in this long process which has just begun. The biggest hassle so far is not having a kitchen. The only thing not ripped out is the fridge. We are eating out which is already getting old and not helping our waistlines that Jason and I were trying to trim. We have been eating lots of really good salads at different restaurants but I am ready to have a home cooked meal. It has been hard on the girls as well simply because we have no routine right now and most of the house is torn apart. Also the places that are not torn apart are being used as our storage area for the kitchen. On the bright side I am excited to pick out new countertops, paint for the rooms and essentially have a partially new house. I am also thankful for our insurance company USAA and feel blessed that they are on our side even though they are fitting the bill. We have been in our house for nine years and I was ready for a change in house but definitely not this way! To be continued…

Our Kitchen

Jason's office


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