Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Dad

Today would have been my dad's 63rd birthday and I miss him. You see it was 17 years ago that he passed away from colon cancer. I think of him often and wish he could have met Jason and the girls. He would have loved them and he would have been wrapped around my girls' little finger, just like he was wrapped around mine. He was the best dad a kid could have and see a lot of him in Jason. He was loving, so much fun and always was my biggest supporter in anything I did or wanted to to do.  I am thankful for the time I was able to spend with him and I am thankful he is watching over me.

 Happy Birthday Daddy, I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I cried when reading this, he died so young, glad you have such good memories of him! Chad's dad passed away several years ago, long before I met Chad, and I know it's hard on him now that we have Kylie and that he can't share Kylie with his dad.
